Cloud Computing:Strong growth in cloud computing in Norway

Use of cloud computing in Norway has more than doubled over the last year. More than 35% of public area bodies and private sector companies now use ‘Software as a service’ (SaaS), as compared to just 14% now time last year. These findings come from what i read in the ‘IT in Practice’ survey carried out by Rambøll in collaboration with EDB ErgoGroup.

“The persist 12 months have seen growth that has outstripped many people’s expectation by a surprisingly wide margin. Even so, there are nonetheless a good amount of barriers and challenges that have so far prevented the majority of users from taking advantage of cloud computing”, comments Terje Mjøs, CEO of EDB ErgoGroup. He goes on to identify control through the user’s own information and integration as the main issues when private district companies and public sector organisations earliest consider making use of cloud computing.

“The way the governments go about regulating the cloud arena, including issues such as information security, is planning to play an fundamental role in setting the parameters by which we operate as a supplier”, explains Terje Mjøs, who mentions that recent developments in Denmark, where the Council for Greater IT Security has advised the public sector against making the most of cloud computing, experience also sparked a debate in Norway.

Software has the minimum threshold for cloud computing:
Software as a service (SaaS) is the most depleted aspect of cloud computing, while platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) are merely used to a lesser extent. 14% of respondents said that properties were making the most of PaaS, while 13% were using IaaS. “The threshold for paying off software as a service is significantly downhill when right now can be used on a stand-alone basis or be restricted to individual areas of service. It takes a very high total sum of technological maturity combined with a broad and well thought for the duration of outsourcing strategy before an organisation is ready to use cloud computing for considerable parts of its platforms and infrastructure”, explains Terje Mjøs.

Highest usage levels in the private sector:
The highest levels of usage for cloud computing are observed in the private sector, but usage in the public sector is as well growing strongly. 33% of the public economical organisations in the survey reported using software as a service, up based on what i read in just 11% a year ago. Private sector usage showed an increase from 17% last year to 38% this year. 14% of public business respondents and 19% of private-sector respondents said that they intended to start using software as a service over the course of the next three years.

“In condition for growth to continue at the pace we own witnessed over the last year, it is necessary that the IT industry succeeds in creating greater confidence in the technology, and is able to demonstrate lucrative tendencies of cloud-based deliveries”, says Terje Mjøs, who adds: “An sizeable factor for triumph in the Norwegian market will be for suppliers to operate the cloud locally so that customers’ data remains in Norway. At the same time, a well-documented history of expertise in secure and reliable information storage will be key to lucrative customers’ trust”.

Storms in the cloud and the role of the IT consultant as the weather forecaster
Maintaining control over data and security to prevent data making compromised by third parties serve an valuable issue for suppliers of cloud computing. 91% of public sector respondents and 83% of private-sector respondents identified this as the various important factor in deciding whether to use cloud computing. “Suppliers of cloud computing must be able to reassure their customers that the supplier has the expertise needed to use software and virtualisation to establish watertight walls between different businesses in the cloud, and too the supplier can commence user management and entrance control which is 100% reliable.

Users want to be reassured that cloud computing is secure and reliable. Storms in the cloud will keep users indoors, where they are today”, explains Terje Mjøs, who adds: “Many customers will need extensive service to position themselves in a cloud computing world, and this means such a IT consultants will increasingly become a sort of IT weather forecaster. This is something overly we call ‘Cloud Consulting’, and we see this area seem to be ever more sizeable as time goes on”.

More about cloud computing:
Cloud computing has emerged as a new tendency for delivery of IT services over recent years. “Cloud computing refers to hosting everything from information processing and information storage with to software on servers in external server parks tied to the internet. Server parks used for cloud computing are implemented to be dynamically scalable to respond to turning capacity demand, and users are by and large trusted on the basis of actual use” (translation from Wikipedia Norway).

The concept of cloud computing includes:

Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) – applications who are hosted on cloud infrastructure and accessed by users from a thin client (for model an internet browser)
Cloud Platform as a Service (Paas) – a platform for the development, hosting and operation of applications that is implemented on a cloud infrastructure
Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – scalable infrastructure (computing power, data storage, and networks) while on requirement for the installation and deployment of the customer’s own applications.
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