USA Pharmacy School Rankings : Top Pharmacy Schools, Best Pharmacy School Ranking

Our pharmacy school rankings list displays what we feel are the top pharmacy schools in the U.S. In our opinion, these are the very best pharmacy school education programs offered.

1. University of California at San Francisco
2. University of Texas at Austin
3. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
4. University of Kentucky
5. Purdue University
6. University of Florida
7. University of Minnesota
8. University of Arizona
9. Ohio State University
10. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
11. University of Illinois–Chicago
12. University of Tennessee at Memphis
13. University of Southern California
14. University of Maryland at Baltimore
15. University of Washington
16. University of Utah
17. University of Wisconsin at Madison
18. SUNY at Buffalo
19. University of Iowa
20. Virginia Commonwealth University
21. University of Kansas
22. University of Nebraska Medical Center
23. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Science
24. University of Georgia
25. Medical University of South Carolina

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