1. Give me a description of your whole SEO experience.
A. My experience is mainly with my own site at www.xyz.com and one other site www.zxy.com. So far, my site is on web site one for narrow search terms involving outdoor recreation in Nevada. The other site has gone from not being listed at all in the earliest 10 pages of any search result to being in pages 2 and 3 of a couple of searching the web engines. That work is ongoing at this time.
2. Can you produce HTML code by hand?
A. Yes I can. I do use a little WYSIWYG editors and later modify the code by hand as needed.
3. Could you briefly explain the PageRank algorithm?
A. In uncomplicated terms, Google uses the gross merde of inbound links to a web site to determine how monumental the web site is. This "pagerank" has tiny bit of to do in on actual searching the web outcomes but can create a change on user behavior.
4. Have you came up with any SEO weapons either on scratch or pieced up based on others?
A. No, I do trigger use of a good number of ideas by now to be had on the interweb as greatly as SEO programs who I hold purchased.
5. What do you concur of PageRank?
A. In relation to SEO projects, it is pretty unimportant but can post an clue of how even tedious work needs to be wound up in mounting inbound links.
6. What do you be sure of making use of XML sitemaps?
A. I use them. They are an a larger amount of utility to godsend the searching the web engines when properties crawl a site. There is no clamor for any sitemap and your web sites plans to get indexed without them if you pay end service to navigation during your site.
7. What SEO ideas do you gradually use?
A. Keyword analysis tools, keyword density tools, index checking, backlink checking, wordprocessor to probe spelling and grammar, HTML substantiation and others.
8. Under how situation will you give the impression to exclude web sites from what i read in searching engines making the most of robots.txt vs meta robots tag?
A. Usually I will use the robots.txt to stay a searching the web engine of indexing an general catalog on a site. This are able to often be directories struggling amongst admin works or directories the sole contain script or image libraries.
9. What communities do you believe are at this moment the a multitude of drastic in organically ranking a site?
A. Text on page! Search engines utilize text and sole text in amidst search engine results. That text is at last found in various place in conjunction with the URL and title of your web sites as positively as the visible text you place on your pages.
10. Do you hold have in copywriting and can you issue out a couple of producing samples?
A. My undergo in "copywriting" is limited to my site at www.afreshpath.com. It is a blog something like outdoor recreation in Nevada and so far is placing immensely in searching results.
11. Have you regularly had somewhat you have written contact the front-page of Digg? Sphinn? Or be Stumbled?
A. Not yet! I am not actually apprehensive close to it but I do try to come up with in these kinds of a way this others could be inticed to come up with my articles.
12. Explain to me how META tags question in today's world.
A. The multiple drastic META tag for SEO is your web page description. Search engines do provide use of the tag but it performs not outweigh the title or visible text. The META keywords tag is not a good deal of a ingredient in the drastic searching engines but could not be overlooked.
13. Explain a large amount of steps who you will take to optimize a website?
A. 1. Interview website owner or webmaster to get a decently grasp of the site's purpose and goals.
2. Perform a keyword analysis to find out top performing keywords too is able to be expended for so site and for exact web sites of the site
3. Analyze site content to determine usage of relavant keywords and phrases. This includes visible text as perfectly at titles, META tags, and "alt" attributes.
4. Examine site navigation
5. Determine the arrival of robots.txt and sitemap and take a look at persons for effectivenes.
6. Make recommendations for fluctuations needed for the site and every exact page.
14. If the association whose site you have kept on workind for has concluded to move all of its content to a new domain, how steps will you take?
A. I might update the old site amidst permanent redirects to to new web page for most any page. Then I can have a go to remove old content based on the grim searching engines to get out of duplicate content issues.
15. Rate from what i read in 1 to 10, say to me the a large amount of substantial "on page" elements
A. #1 challenge is visible text making signficant to awaiting searching terms.
# 2 could when that happens be web site titles
# 3 is navigation and "alt" attributes for navigation items and link text.
# 4 should be "alt" attributes for images and larger number of media presented on pages.
16. What do you concur close to link buying?
A. I discourage the practice for the numerous part. There are a larger amount of effective causes of paid out marketing. One exclusion can be buying listings in highly reputable directories this as Yahoo directory.
17. What is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSI Indexing)?
A. LSI indexing ries to overcome the limitations of "literal" searching the web renovation matching . For example, if a person is search for "hiking in Norhter Nevada" a literal search engine could alone equate the expressions spent without picking to consideration phrases this kind of as "hike", "hiked". LSI can end up with other signficant outcomes when it performs take word usage and context to consideration determining how a web site is "about" pretty as opposed to a strict reliance on literal wording.
18. What is Phrase Based Indexing and Retrieval and how roles performs it play?
A. In regards to searching the web results, it is a technique who searching engines this kind of as google use to determine relevance of a web page established on sayings acutally used up in a document. For example, if you experience a web page instructing folks on wildlife photography, the searching the web engine could reasonably assume to see terms and expressions the as "selecting a camera", "appraoching wildlife", and "low indistinct photo conditions". Related idioms should add to the relevance of a web page at which unrelated expressions can impact the relevance of a page. This is one process this Google is paying for to weed out "spam" sites.
19. What is the adjustment between SEO and SEM?
A. Seo is search engine engine optimization and is the procedure you use in attaining your web sites to place far on searching results. SEM is searching engine re&wshyp;selling and involves getting advertising space on searching the web result pages. Sponsored listings are SEM. Both are linked though! When making the most of Google Adwords, the even better you optimize your webpages for search, the ebbed you will be able to be using for your some keywords in the PPC campaign and the even greater placment your ads ought to get.
20. What sort of strategies do you largely initiate for backlinks?
A. I assess the competitors backlinks to produce hightly signficant ones and apply a link based on data from them. If reciprocal linking is required, I may be able to place a lik coming back to them in a signficant percentage of a web site on the site but if not, I am able to market so and may not increment so link. Another technique I use is to put up drive releases to signficant media.
21. What role performs social media play in an SEO strategy?
A. Social media the as social networking ones and to know ones can send back for viral marketing. Viral selling has verified to be powerful if the content of a site is appealing.
22. What details wouldn't you to do increase in value rankings when the chance of penalty is too high?
A. I can pass up any site amidst the existence of a link farm. I is able to as well steer clear of any "spam" practice this type of as unsolicited email campaigns, absolute affiliate advertising sites, ones so re-direct visitors to your site, and anything and everything resembling the practices of Zango.
23. Why may you would like to use nofollow on an internal link?
A. Many ones undergo shoping carts and member login or logout links. This brand of link is da an administrative function and performs nothig to contribute to site content. The search engine engine performs not ask for to index people pages.
24. Are you familiar among web analytics and how offerings are your familiar with?
A. Yes I am and the software I use a multitude of continually is Google's webmaster tools. I additionally use the on hand Yahoo hosting ideas for my own sites. Knowing how searching terms your visitors are particularly making use of to take in your site as decently as at which folks visitors are following based on data from could benefit refine SEO efforts. The number of while every visitor spends on your site would service in determining if content fluxes are needed.
25. From an analytics perspective, how is distinct between a user of organic search engine consequences vs. a type-in user?
A A user arriving to your site according to an organic searching the web for the most part has never visited your site before or is performing a entire search engine for a precise product or topic. These visitors are making an attempt to take in the site such a various suits thier needs. A "type-in" user is specifally interested in your website. They may suffer discovered your URL in print advertising or based on a friend. Often, such users are familiar amongst how you are offering and are arriving coming back to your site as a repeat visitor.
26. How do you investigate whether an SEO campaign is working?
A. The primary indicator is to perform a search engine on all critical searching the web engines paying the keywords/ keyphrases I am optimizing for. An analysis of folks possible results should permit to determine if optimization has gained in the possible results or lost ground. This analysis could be completed within the duration of opportunity as every searching engine is able to update and index on a altering schedule. Another aspect is to use website statistics to determine at which money is originating.
27. What performs competitory analysis imply to you and how techniques do you use?
A. Competitive analysis shows making a finish seem at websites so point highly in searching outcomes and comparing persons ones to the one you are optimizing. They hold employed supplies overly are endeavoring and are a top notch source for ideas.
28. If you have wrapped up 6 cycles of SEO for a site and yet there haven't kept on any improvements, how might you go just about diagnosing the problem?
A. I ought to technique the trouble as if it got an utterly new project. Again bringing about a seem at the keywords and words who I am endeavoring to optimize for and once again producing a end probing of top ranking competition. If the site is indexed and performs prove up in the irst 10 web sites of a searching the web but on in the top three, I might check to alteration of grim neighborhoods these as web page titles, on web site text, and web page descriptions. If the site is not yet indexed or has continued down from what i read in an index, there are crucial topics and the site may make a whole re-work and re-submission.
29. How a large amount of end keywords if a site have?
A. I advise not a larger amount of as opposed to 3 or five decently connected keyword phrases. This permits for additionally effective optimization.
30.You hear a rumor the current Google is weighting the HTML LAYER tag acutely massively in ranking the relevance of its possible outcome - how performs such a influence your work?
A. It does not unless the rumor means to be fact. Yes, I look into on the rumor but as among all rumors, it can experience detrimental effects if you "jump on the band wagon" and it means to be easily a rumor among no motive in fact.
31. Why performs Google rate Wikipedia for so various topics?
A. Wikipedia is an provided evidence authority! As such, it is referenced by large amounts of a larger number of documents amid signficant text associated amongst links coming back to Wikipedia.
32. If salary and location got not an issue, who is able to you grunt work for?
A. Myself and simply personally if folks things existed.
A. My experience is mainly with my own site at www.xyz.com and one other site www.zxy.com. So far, my site is on web site one for narrow search terms involving outdoor recreation in Nevada. The other site has gone from not being listed at all in the earliest 10 pages of any search result to being in pages 2 and 3 of a couple of searching the web engines. That work is ongoing at this time.
2. Can you produce HTML code by hand?
A. Yes I can. I do use a little WYSIWYG editors and later modify the code by hand as needed.
3. Could you briefly explain the PageRank algorithm?
A. In uncomplicated terms, Google uses the gross merde of inbound links to a web site to determine how monumental the web site is. This "pagerank" has tiny bit of to do in on actual searching the web outcomes but can create a change on user behavior.
4. Have you came up with any SEO weapons either on scratch or pieced up based on others?
A. No, I do trigger use of a good number of ideas by now to be had on the interweb as greatly as SEO programs who I hold purchased.
5. What do you concur of PageRank?
A. In relation to SEO projects, it is pretty unimportant but can post an clue of how even tedious work needs to be wound up in mounting inbound links.
6. What do you be sure of making use of XML sitemaps?
A. I use them. They are an a larger amount of utility to godsend the searching the web engines when properties crawl a site. There is no clamor for any sitemap and your web sites plans to get indexed without them if you pay end service to navigation during your site.
7. What SEO ideas do you gradually use?
A. Keyword analysis tools, keyword density tools, index checking, backlink checking, wordprocessor to probe spelling and grammar, HTML substantiation and others.
8. Under how situation will you give the impression to exclude web sites from what i read in searching engines making the most of robots.txt vs meta robots tag?
A. Usually I will use the robots.txt to stay a searching the web engine of indexing an general catalog on a site. This are able to often be directories struggling amongst admin works or directories the sole contain script or image libraries.
9. What communities do you believe are at this moment the a multitude of drastic in organically ranking a site?
A. Text on page! Search engines utilize text and sole text in amidst search engine results. That text is at last found in various place in conjunction with the URL and title of your web sites as positively as the visible text you place on your pages.
10. Do you hold have in copywriting and can you issue out a couple of producing samples?
A. My undergo in "copywriting" is limited to my site at www.afreshpath.com. It is a blog something like outdoor recreation in Nevada and so far is placing immensely in searching results.
11. Have you regularly had somewhat you have written contact the front-page of Digg? Sphinn? Or be Stumbled?
A. Not yet! I am not actually apprehensive close to it but I do try to come up with in these kinds of a way this others could be inticed to come up with my articles.
12. Explain to me how META tags question in today's world.
A. The multiple drastic META tag for SEO is your web page description. Search engines do provide use of the tag but it performs not outweigh the title or visible text. The META keywords tag is not a good deal of a ingredient in the drastic searching engines but could not be overlooked.
13. Explain a large amount of steps who you will take to optimize a website?
A. 1. Interview website owner or webmaster to get a decently grasp of the site's purpose and goals.
2. Perform a keyword analysis to find out top performing keywords too is able to be expended for so site and for exact web sites of the site
3. Analyze site content to determine usage of relavant keywords and phrases. This includes visible text as perfectly at titles, META tags, and "alt" attributes.
4. Examine site navigation
5. Determine the arrival of robots.txt and sitemap and take a look at persons for effectivenes.
6. Make recommendations for fluctuations needed for the site and every exact page.
14. If the association whose site you have kept on workind for has concluded to move all of its content to a new domain, how steps will you take?
A. I might update the old site amidst permanent redirects to to new web page for most any page. Then I can have a go to remove old content based on the grim searching engines to get out of duplicate content issues.
15. Rate from what i read in 1 to 10, say to me the a large amount of substantial "on page" elements
A. #1 challenge is visible text making signficant to awaiting searching terms.
# 2 could when that happens be web site titles
# 3 is navigation and "alt" attributes for navigation items and link text.
# 4 should be "alt" attributes for images and larger number of media presented on pages.
16. What do you concur close to link buying?
A. I discourage the practice for the numerous part. There are a larger amount of effective causes of paid out marketing. One exclusion can be buying listings in highly reputable directories this as Yahoo directory.
17. What is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSI Indexing)?
A. LSI indexing ries to overcome the limitations of "literal" searching the web renovation matching . For example, if a person is search for "hiking in Norhter Nevada" a literal search engine could alone equate the expressions spent without picking to consideration phrases this kind of as "hike", "hiked". LSI can end up with other signficant outcomes when it performs take word usage and context to consideration determining how a web site is "about" pretty as opposed to a strict reliance on literal wording.
18. What is Phrase Based Indexing and Retrieval and how roles performs it play?
A. In regards to searching the web results, it is a technique who searching engines this kind of as google use to determine relevance of a web page established on sayings acutally used up in a document. For example, if you experience a web page instructing folks on wildlife photography, the searching the web engine could reasonably assume to see terms and expressions the as "selecting a camera", "appraoching wildlife", and "low indistinct photo conditions". Related idioms should add to the relevance of a web page at which unrelated expressions can impact the relevance of a page. This is one process this Google is paying for to weed out "spam" sites.
19. What is the adjustment between SEO and SEM?
A. Seo is search engine engine optimization and is the procedure you use in attaining your web sites to place far on searching results. SEM is searching engine re&wshyp;selling and involves getting advertising space on searching the web result pages. Sponsored listings are SEM. Both are linked though! When making the most of Google Adwords, the even better you optimize your webpages for search, the ebbed you will be able to be using for your some keywords in the PPC campaign and the even greater placment your ads ought to get.
20. What sort of strategies do you largely initiate for backlinks?
A. I assess the competitors backlinks to produce hightly signficant ones and apply a link based on data from them. If reciprocal linking is required, I may be able to place a lik coming back to them in a signficant percentage of a web site on the site but if not, I am able to market so and may not increment so link. Another technique I use is to put up drive releases to signficant media.
21. What role performs social media play in an SEO strategy?
A. Social media the as social networking ones and to know ones can send back for viral marketing. Viral selling has verified to be powerful if the content of a site is appealing.
22. What details wouldn't you to do increase in value rankings when the chance of penalty is too high?
A. I can pass up any site amidst the existence of a link farm. I is able to as well steer clear of any "spam" practice this type of as unsolicited email campaigns, absolute affiliate advertising sites, ones so re-direct visitors to your site, and anything and everything resembling the practices of Zango.
23. Why may you would like to use nofollow on an internal link?
A. Many ones undergo shoping carts and member login or logout links. This brand of link is da an administrative function and performs nothig to contribute to site content. The search engine engine performs not ask for to index people pages.
24. Are you familiar among web analytics and how offerings are your familiar with?
A. Yes I am and the software I use a multitude of continually is Google's webmaster tools. I additionally use the on hand Yahoo hosting ideas for my own sites. Knowing how searching terms your visitors are particularly making use of to take in your site as decently as at which folks visitors are following based on data from could benefit refine SEO efforts. The number of while every visitor spends on your site would service in determining if content fluxes are needed.
25. From an analytics perspective, how is distinct between a user of organic search engine consequences vs. a type-in user?
A A user arriving to your site according to an organic searching the web for the most part has never visited your site before or is performing a entire search engine for a precise product or topic. These visitors are making an attempt to take in the site such a various suits thier needs. A "type-in" user is specifally interested in your website. They may suffer discovered your URL in print advertising or based on a friend. Often, such users are familiar amongst how you are offering and are arriving coming back to your site as a repeat visitor.
26. How do you investigate whether an SEO campaign is working?
A. The primary indicator is to perform a search engine on all critical searching the web engines paying the keywords/ keyphrases I am optimizing for. An analysis of folks possible results should permit to determine if optimization has gained in the possible results or lost ground. This analysis could be completed within the duration of opportunity as every searching engine is able to update and index on a altering schedule. Another aspect is to use website statistics to determine at which money is originating.
27. What performs competitory analysis imply to you and how techniques do you use?
A. Competitive analysis shows making a finish seem at websites so point highly in searching outcomes and comparing persons ones to the one you are optimizing. They hold employed supplies overly are endeavoring and are a top notch source for ideas.
28. If you have wrapped up 6 cycles of SEO for a site and yet there haven't kept on any improvements, how might you go just about diagnosing the problem?
A. I ought to technique the trouble as if it got an utterly new project. Again bringing about a seem at the keywords and words who I am endeavoring to optimize for and once again producing a end probing of top ranking competition. If the site is indexed and performs prove up in the irst 10 web sites of a searching the web but on in the top three, I might check to alteration of grim neighborhoods these as web page titles, on web site text, and web page descriptions. If the site is not yet indexed or has continued down from what i read in an index, there are crucial topics and the site may make a whole re-work and re-submission.
29. How a large amount of end keywords if a site have?
A. I advise not a larger amount of as opposed to 3 or five decently connected keyword phrases. This permits for additionally effective optimization.
30.You hear a rumor the current Google is weighting the HTML LAYER tag acutely massively in ranking the relevance of its possible outcome - how performs such a influence your work?
A. It does not unless the rumor means to be fact. Yes, I look into on the rumor but as among all rumors, it can experience detrimental effects if you "jump on the band wagon" and it means to be easily a rumor among no motive in fact.
31. Why performs Google rate Wikipedia for so various topics?
A. Wikipedia is an provided evidence authority! As such, it is referenced by large amounts of a larger number of documents amid signficant text associated amongst links coming back to Wikipedia.
32. If salary and location got not an issue, who is able to you grunt work for?
A. Myself and simply personally if folks things existed.
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