most recent update info up, currently girl killed herself subsequent to dad requested presently on her wall, girl killed herself ensuing dad requested presently on her wall,, pokerstar. For a few days we’ve carried on monitoring a new spin on a Facebook scam, which suggests a girl killed herself on Christmas Eve following her dad requested a message on her wall. Before we’ve documented both the tied hoax words of warning spread on Facebook, as good as scam webpages such a popped up striving to trick users to “liking” them, and the fact on the true woman’s death such a has kept on exploited by heartless cybercriminals.
The newly written scam is growing virally, how to 'fool' users to liking webpages that regard to bidder you entrance to the “horrific wall post” who allegedly built a girl kill herself on Christmas Eve.
If you click on the link subsequently you are taken to a Facebook web site that suggests you experience to similar to it in condition to view the father’s declared message. In a couple of cases, the web site might use clickjacking techniques to trick you to sharing the web page as a status update providing your online friends, but the end result is the same – you’ll be supervised to a webpage that asks you to broad a survey.
And that’s how instigates dollars for the scammers who make these kinds of pages.
So all which needs to be wound up is for Facebook to clean up the offending pages, educate the users throughout these kinds of kinds of scams, and police the region right in times ahead to prevent yet funny things scams cropping up.
A quick searching the web on Facebook at last found these types of “girl killed herself” web sites springing up want mushrooms on the site.
Come on Facebook, can’t you get a solve on this?
If you suppose you may own kept on hit by the current attack, view the latest activity on your surprise feed and delete entries tied to the above links. Furthermore, you would view your profile, click on your Info tab and remove any of the webpages of your “Likes and interests” section.
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