Eamcet results will be announced at 4.30 pm on Wednesday and will be available on the following websites:
www.apeamcet.org, www.vidyavision.com, www.manabadi.com, www.manabadi.co.in, www.results.manabadi.co.in www.schools9.com
www.indiaresults.com, www.apherald.com
eamcet.corecrux.com, www.betechs.com
www.nettlinxresults.net, www.saagam.com
www.pratibhaplus.com, www.bharatstudent.com, www.eamcetadvisor.com, www.exametc.com
www.rediff.com/exams, www.results.sify.com, www.kabconsultants.com, www.iitjeeforum.com, www.ExamResults.net, www.educationandhra.com, www.resumedropbox.com, results.educationandhra.com, www.oneindia.in
www.netbadi.in, www.ndtv.com, www.results.netcafe.in, www.netcafe.in, www.aksharam.in, www.totaleamcet.com, www.examresults.in, www.dialjunction.com,
Also, the ranks are available through Automated Voice Response System. Students can SMS ‘Eamcet Hall Ticket No.’ to 53346 and 53345 (from BSNL). The IVRS for BSNL is 1255225; for Airtel it is 550770; and for all operators it is 5664477.
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