Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan, who is known for saying what he thinks about hot topics on his blog and Twitter micro-blogging, has extended support Anna Hazare's covert anti-corruption movement. In his last Tweet extends its support to peaceful protests, but at the same breath in the Bollywood icon says the law of the land must prevail.
@ SrBachchan "Nobody wants corruption in society and government. For our constitutional right to protest peacefully. The law of the land must prevail!" (Sic), who tweeted.
On Friday night, Bachchan failed to make any direct comment on the social activist Anna Hazare and his hunger strike a stronger bill Lokpal. However, he talked about the democratic rights of Indian citizens.
"In a democracy, everyone is entitled to express their views. None of the countries around the world support corruption. If someone wants to protest against corruption that has the right to do so. Everyone knows that the system of law and order in India. If one adheres to it, then no problem, "said Bachchan.
The pop star spoke at an event orgainsed by the engines of the force has appointed brand ambassador of force ordered by the sports utility vehicle one of Mumbai.
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@ SrBachchan "Nobody wants corruption in society and government. For our constitutional right to protest peacefully. The law of the land must prevail!" (Sic), who tweeted.
On Friday night, Bachchan failed to make any direct comment on the social activist Anna Hazare and his hunger strike a stronger bill Lokpal. However, he talked about the democratic rights of Indian citizens.
"In a democracy, everyone is entitled to express their views. None of the countries around the world support corruption. If someone wants to protest against corruption that has the right to do so. Everyone knows that the system of law and order in India. If one adheres to it, then no problem, "said Bachchan.
The pop star spoke at an event orgainsed by the engines of the force has appointed brand ambassador of force ordered by the sports utility vehicle one of Mumbai.
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