Actor Saif Ali Khan, who was arrested on assault charges and then released on bail, filed a counter complaint, claiming that he was the one to be attacked first and that he acted in self defence. The police will now record statements of witnesses as part of the investigation. This includes four staff members of Taj and alleged victim Iqbal Sharma's family members who were present when the brawl took place. The police is now trying to find any CCTV footage to find out who really started the brawl.
There was high drama in Mumbai as Saif was arrested and then released on bail for allegedly assaulting an NRI at the Taj Hotel. Saif said that he acted in self defence and that he was provoked and attacked first.
Giving his side of the story in the ugly scuffle at a 5-star hotel that made headlines, Saif Ali Khan, outside his residence in Bandra on Wednesday night, said, "I was hit first, I acted in self defence."
"I was hit first. And as shocking as it may seem, the elderly gentlemen hit me. I'm not sure what provoked him. I am looking forward to CCTV footage (inside the restaurant)," he said, adding that the footage would prove that he was innocent.
"I certainly got it in the eye...his (complainant Sharma's) nose does not look like broken to me," Saif said. To a query, Saif also said that he was not drunk at the time. The actor also complained that the media coverage of the incident was one-sided. "There is a certain slant in the press," he said.
He would have never raised hand at an elderly gentleman, the actor said, but also conceded that the situation "could have been handled differently."
"I could have reacted differently. I could have been a little more Gandhian in my approach. But I'm afraid I reacted in a way any gentleman would have reacted. But I'm not proud of what happened. It could have been handled differently. I should have set a better example. I'm sorry that I reacted this way.
"People assume that just because you are a film star, you are a spoilt brat...I feel like I have been aggressed upon (sic)," he said. Saif also said, answering a query, that he had not run, but gone to police station in the morning "after finishing my work". "I have full faith in the police, judiciary," the actor, visibly agitated, said.
Late on Tuesday night Iqbal Meer Sharma, a guest at the Mumbai's Taj Mahal Hotel who was dining at their Wasabi restaurant, filed a complaint at the Colaba station against Saif Ali Khan for allegedly assaulting him and his father-in-law. According to reports Saif Ali Khan who was dining at the restaurant with Kareena Kapoor and a few friends got into a scuffle when Iqbal asked the actor and his friends to refrain from making too much noise.
The scuffle allegedly left Iqbal Sharma with a fractured nose and an offence was registered on Tuesday night, under section 325 of the IPC for voluntarily causing grievous hurt.
After being arrested in the case, Saif was immediately given bail for a surety of Rs 15,000. This incident came even as Saif along with Kareena Kapoor began promotions for his forthcoming home production 'Agent Vinod' which will release on March 23, which also brings certain conspiracy theories into play.
Iqbal Meer Sharma's neighbour alleged that he and Saif were old buddies and all this was just a publicity stunt for the film 'Agent Vinod'.
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There was high drama in Mumbai as Saif was arrested and then released on bail for allegedly assaulting an NRI at the Taj Hotel. Saif said that he acted in self defence and that he was provoked and attacked first.
Giving his side of the story in the ugly scuffle at a 5-star hotel that made headlines, Saif Ali Khan, outside his residence in Bandra on Wednesday night, said, "I was hit first, I acted in self defence."
"I was hit first. And as shocking as it may seem, the elderly gentlemen hit me. I'm not sure what provoked him. I am looking forward to CCTV footage (inside the restaurant)," he said, adding that the footage would prove that he was innocent.
"I certainly got it in the eye...his (complainant Sharma's) nose does not look like broken to me," Saif said. To a query, Saif also said that he was not drunk at the time. The actor also complained that the media coverage of the incident was one-sided. "There is a certain slant in the press," he said.
He would have never raised hand at an elderly gentleman, the actor said, but also conceded that the situation "could have been handled differently."
"I could have reacted differently. I could have been a little more Gandhian in my approach. But I'm afraid I reacted in a way any gentleman would have reacted. But I'm not proud of what happened. It could have been handled differently. I should have set a better example. I'm sorry that I reacted this way.
"People assume that just because you are a film star, you are a spoilt brat...I feel like I have been aggressed upon (sic)," he said. Saif also said, answering a query, that he had not run, but gone to police station in the morning "after finishing my work". "I have full faith in the police, judiciary," the actor, visibly agitated, said.
Late on Tuesday night Iqbal Meer Sharma, a guest at the Mumbai's Taj Mahal Hotel who was dining at their Wasabi restaurant, filed a complaint at the Colaba station against Saif Ali Khan for allegedly assaulting him and his father-in-law. According to reports Saif Ali Khan who was dining at the restaurant with Kareena Kapoor and a few friends got into a scuffle when Iqbal asked the actor and his friends to refrain from making too much noise.
The scuffle allegedly left Iqbal Sharma with a fractured nose and an offence was registered on Tuesday night, under section 325 of the IPC for voluntarily causing grievous hurt.
After being arrested in the case, Saif was immediately given bail for a surety of Rs 15,000. This incident came even as Saif along with Kareena Kapoor began promotions for his forthcoming home production 'Agent Vinod' which will release on March 23, which also brings certain conspiracy theories into play.
Iqbal Meer Sharma's neighbour alleged that he and Saif were old buddies and all this was just a publicity stunt for the film 'Agent Vinod'.
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